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I hope you and your loved ones are all well and safe during this incredibly strange time the world is experiencing. Luckily for us, I can say that our family is well. Like so many others we are social distancing and staying at home at this time, and making the most of the unusual opportunity this has afforded us to have more time together.

On the business front, as you can imagine, I have temporarily closed the studio. I am aware that many businesses are struggling greatly though this period and I am exceptionally humbled and grateful for the enquiries that continue coming. 

Until things start going back towards normal; I’d like to update everyone on a few things:

1. How I am handling existing bookings, and enquiries that are currently coming through. 

2. Births don’t wait, and so I am running some free Zoom classes on how to capture your own (lifestyle) newborn photos at home and have written a few blogs on this so you can read up in your own time too.

3. My thoughts on doorstep portraits (I’ve had a lot of enquiries for these) and outdoors portraits.

4. Studio policies relating to COVID-19.

5. How we can all support other local businesses. 

I’ve detailed each of these points in more detail. If you have any queries or thoughts, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. 

Stay safe.
Sara x

1. Existing bookings & new enquiries
As soon as lockdown is relaxed, it is safe to resume and I reopen the business, I will be offering families slots in the order that bookings have been made, for booking that were made pre-lockdown. We will work together to find the best possible dates and times for all, bearing in mind schools may still be shut.

For new enquiries a number of potential dates are being pencilled in and as soon as the lock down is relaxed and I return to work, bookings can be finalised and final dates confirmed.  Although the studio is not open, now is actually a great time for you to be planning sessions as it means there is loads of time for you to think about clothing and outfit ideas, to design themes for cakesmash sessions, look for cakes etc. Check out previous blogs on these topics if you want some guidance.

It may be, that lockdown guidelines become more relaxed for outdoors shoots before studio session and I can reopen the business sooner. If this is the case, I will offer everyone who is booked, the option to switch to an outdoors session, if this is practical. 

2. FREE lifestyle newborn photography classes at home
As we all know, births will not wait for the lock down. Because I know many people will therefore have to miss their newborn photoshoots, I am offering the next best thing I can - free Zoom classes on how to capture your own lifestyle newborn photos at home. The focus will be on photographs that you can safely and easily achieve without specialist training or specialist equipment. These classes have been very well received so far, and I am very happy that they are being helpful!
The class is 60 mins long, and limited to 8 participants so that everyone can get 1:1 attention. There are currently no more classes available, but if/when more are released you will be able to find them here. In the meantime have a scroll through some of the recent blog posts as there are two guiding you on how to capture your own lifestyle newborn photos at home. 

3. Doorsteps portraits

I have had a lot of enquiries asking if I would do doorstep portraits, outdoors portraits or visit clients in their homes. I have decided that the socially responsible thing for me to do, is to continue to stay at home and stick to the spirit of the lockdown as requested by the government. Although I understand that not everyone is ill, and I may not be/feel ill at this present time - I could be an asymptomatic carrier of COVID-19 and by spending more time out on the streets and in the parks than I should be, I could be increasing the chances of the illness transmitting to more vulnerable people in our community.

I know that we are more keen than ever to capture our family portraits, to get all the generations in a family photo, to record our lives, because if nothing else, this pandemic has shown us that we just don’t know what could be around the corner. All the more reason to start planning your next photoshoots now!

4. COVID-19 Studio Policies
At the beginning of March (a few weeks before the lockdown for those of us who have lost track of time and dates ;-)), I introduced a number of additional, stringent measures to help protect families visiting me from COVID-19. These measures have now been updated further with some additional precautions for when I am able to reopen the business. If you would like the details, please ask. Rest assured, that the health and safety of your family (and mine) is paramount in my mind.

5. Supporting other local businesses
I am very conscious that so many of us have our own small businesses and so many small businesses are struggling, despite the amazing financial support that the government is offering so many. There are some small things we can each do in our daily lives to help small businesses. As you can imagine, I feel particularly passionate about this. Here are a few ideas of how we can support other local businesses:

  • Shop locally, online - many places that may not have delivered in the past, now do (food, shops restaurants, pharmacies, independent clothing stores, wine merchants…) Many local services will have also moved to online models (hairdressers doing tutorials, yoga studios doing online classes, baby classes doing online sessions etc).

  • Buy gift cards, vouchers or making bookings now, to use later. 

  • Like and share posts on social media and WhatsApp groups etc.

  • Like and share blog posts on business’s websites. 

  • Like, follow and share social media profiles. 

  • Leave reviews online (Google and Facebook are particularly good for small businesses) - once clients start looking for services again, the reviews will be really helpful.

  • If possible, rather than asking for a refund on services not yet delivered, see if you can change the date.